do ever dream about ?

I had a dream about something in paged.js that I did and you did and we had to resolve the conflict

This question is a part of an artistic research project, sharing how we feel about our labour through retelling and re-enacting our dreams. The answers you give are anonymous but public, click Submit to place your dreams with ours, then scroll down to read what we have shared.

do designers ever dream about love ?

I had a dream about something in paged.js that I did and you did and we had to resolve the conflict

do you ever dream about work ?

quite some times, specially because of the institutional exhaustion, one of the most repeating ones is similar to the one last night: I was waiting for a train to go to the airport to get a plane (very often dreaming about airports) then I saw a shop where they were selling ceramic objects and decided to buy one from a work colleague, it needed to be wrapped up and my colleague took their time doing it and did not communicated how long it would take, I didnt want to rush them neither felt there was the space to say anything about it so I waited impatiently, when I finally had it (regreting my choice of buying it in the first place) and got to the gate I could only see the train leaving wondering how I was going to make it now to the airport, knowing it meant losing the airplane

do you ever dream about work ?

Silly me yes

do you ever dream about design ?

I had a dream last week that I was a weapons designer making bombs for bad people and my stomach was sore.

do bots ever dream about love ?

no they cannot because they are evil and only feel pettyness and mild annoyance in term of human emotions i think check out my bot research i am not a bot i am a real human ugh

do fungi ever dream about grids ?

yees all the time my dear stefane

do you ever dream about work ?

i had this dream i was in the studio but it was my friends back garden and our other friends were there but as chickens and it really grossed me out

do you ever dream about work ?

Today is Sunday. I wake up and brush my teeth. Thinking about, hmm, what to do, what to eat, jumping around. Oh! And then I went to the balcony, it's raining, it's windy. I close the door. Now I smell something nice. Ah! I need to have soup, I have left over soup from yesterday. Ok im gonna drink it from the pot I don't have time to make a new one. Today is Sunday I'm not gonna cook. I'm full now. Hmm, thinking what to do. Why am I feeling so anxious, again? Like I'm brushing my teeth again. Ok time to have another round of soup. Having all the soup and then dancing around the soup and then time for a workout. Moving your body is important, that's what my therapist says, ok I'm gonna do that. Now slowly moving into meditation. And I fell asleep, taking a nap until 9pm. Levitating, dreaming about flying into the sun, with the computer, with the soup, and then today is Monday. Oh no! I'm late! Brushing, really anxious like I have to go, I have to go . Ah my laptop, ok peecee come here, time to work, zoom call. Ok Im ready, online, ok serious conversation, ok time to have lunch break. Having the last bit of soup, two days old. But it's ok, its still good. I'm brushing my teeth again. I brush my teeth whenever I feel anxious, and now I'm a bit tired, feeling lonely, and I went to bed or did I pass out I dont know. Someone is calling, ah! I forgot there is another zoom call. Ok time to open it, oh no its Jitsi, ok that should be an easy one. Oh no Chrome is not working, ok firefox, no its not working again. Hello? Can you hear me? Oh. Lets try another one. Ok. Umm, ahh, noooo. Ok theres no way we can do this call, time to, yeah ok today is maybe enough. I went to bed feeling a bit anxious. The lights are too bright.

do you ever dream about work ?

Timestamp: 6:30. Soup factory. Chicken : Computer 1. Chicken is at computer 1. Task 1: Check status of soup. Beep baap, beep baap, boop baap. Chicken is checking the status of the soup. Timestamp 6:35. Chicken is going back to computer one. It is time to check the status of the soup. Chicken is checking the status of the soup. Checked. Beep baap, beep baap, beep baap boop. Timestamp 6:40. The day is passing very slowly. Twelve more hours to go, chicken and the soup factory. Chicken is checking the status of the soup. Beep baap, beep baap boop, beep baap. Status check: no errors, the soup is good, no more tasks to do. Ten hours, fifty seven minutes left. Time stamp 7:00. Chicken is checking the status of the soup. An error appeared, the soup is not at the appropriate level it should be. Chicken is searching the error file. There are three reasons it could be. Either way Chicken is hungry, and might have tasted a little bit of the soup: not the case. Secondly, there could be a problem in the delivery of the soup. Chicken is checking the delivery of the soup. It seems like there is no error with the delivery of the soup. The third reason there needs to be help from the outside, from the Chief Factory Management CEO, name unknown. The Chief Of Management Soup Factory Assistant Manager is coming to help Chicken with the soup. The assisstant is checking the system. The system is saying there is a fault in the delivering of the soup. Chicken is not capable of doing anything necessary because of the CEO Chicken Assistant needs to check the delivery. The delivering is checked. Timestamp 7:30 am. There are no more errors for the rest up the day until 9pm in the evening. Chicken is going to sleep hungry, without money and overworked. And the next days to follow will be exactly the same as the days before. Timestamp 21:30. It is time to go to bed.

do you ever dream about work ?


do you ever dream about work ?

yes i do

do fonts ever dream about art ?

No fonts dont have worries they keep changing

do bots ever dream about love ?

All bots designs are always about love and being in love bots are really romantic I think

do readers ever dream about grids ?

reading two column layouts in an ereader is challenging, you need to be able to program custom "flight paths"

do bots ever dream about art ?

bleepbloop bleep bleep bloop

do fungi ever dream about fonts ?

yes mushrooms love fonts

do designers ever dream about art ?

If im in an art gallery and I see, you know Joseph Albers or something I just kind of feel, I just like, or Malevich i just like that stuff. If i see a Kandinsky and all those squiggles and circles it just, that just kind of upsets me a little bit. And even if im looking at vermeer a can see some kind of square structure and logic for some reason that always appeals to me. And really great artists who dont work that way I look at their stuff and think well thats just beyond me

do you ever dream about work ?

all the time. they're always angst-ridden, never, they're never eh, they're never positive solution-solved things, we've always like lists and lists and lists of things to do they're never resolved they're always like shit we've, its, its always problematic, and its all the time.